
Best Research Paper Award for ATHENE researchers

The paper "Analyzing and Securing SOME/IP Automotive Services with Formal and Practical Methods", written by ATHENE researchers Timm Lauser, Dustin Kern and Prof. Christoph Krauß, all of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, and Daniel Zelle, Fraunhofer SIT, was awarded with the Best Research Paper Award at the "International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security", ARES for short.

In the paper, the researchers describe a formal and practical security analysis of the Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP (SOME/IP) middleware - software that is used in many cars today to augment communications in our state-of-the-art vehicles. In addition to the security analysis, they identify possible attack scenarios and propose two security enhancements.

PDF of the paper

More Info

ATHENE researcher is Program Chair of the ACM Computer Science of Cars Symposium 2021

Prof. Christoph Krauß, Professor of Network Security at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, is Program Chair of the Computer Science in Cars Symposium (CSCS) 2021. CSCS is the ACM flagship event in the field of Car IT with a focus on artificial intelligence and security for autonomous vehicles.

Submission Deadline: September 3, 2021
CSCS 2021 will be held at the Technical University of Ingolstadt as aon November 30th, 2021, planned as a face-to-face conference .

Success for ATHENE research area SAD at ARES 2021

Two papers from the ATHENE SAD research area were accepted at this year's “International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security”, ARES for short. ARES highlights different aspects of security, focusing mainly on the crucial connection between availability, reliability and security.

Accepted papers are:

Analyzing and Securing SOME/IP Automotive Services with Formal and Practical Methods
Authors: Daniel Zelle, Dustin Kern, Timm Lauser, and, Christoph Krauß
In:14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), ACM, 2021 (to appear)

In-vehicle detection of targeted CAN bus attacks
Authors: Florian Fenzl, Roland Rieke, Andreas Dominik
In: 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) 2021